Friday, February 16, 2007

How can some women be so uncaring

There was a story on tonights news about a new born infant who had been left on a park bench in 15 degree weather. It was left in a medical rehabilitation facility and two blocks from a firehouse. We have the safe baby law where new mothers can leave their babies as old as three months at a hospital or a fire station with no questions asked. The authorities figure that the little boy was left on this park bench for at least six hours. He was wrapped in a blanket and they think he is a preemie. It just amazes me to no end that these mothers just leave their babies in dumpsters, in parking garages, on park benches and in public toilets in freezing cold weather with absolutely no remorse. I could never abandon my new born period, however if I was so inclined to do so, I would leave it at a police station, hospital or some other medical facility or fire house. Some place warm or cool as the weather dictates and where I would know that it would be found. And how in the living hell can you leave an innocent baby out on a park bench in the freezing cold? This person carried this infant for 7-8 months and had to feel this little guy moving and kicking inside her. I carried my two girls for 8 to 8 1/2 months. I can say with all certainty that when I felt my girls kicking me for the first time, that is when I bonded with them. That was when my pregnancy became real for me. How could she just leave him out in the cold to die like that? This may be common practice in places like China, but I would like to believe (if only for a little while) that we in the United States are more civilized then that. If you didn't want this little baby then get an abortion in the first trimester or give it up for adoption. There are countless couples who can't have children of their own who would dearly love to have a new born to love and raise. This woman will never come forward and admit to her heartless act, but if she did I would put her in a meat locker with only a blanket for at least 6 hours, just so she knows what she put her little boy through.

And in case you were wondering, the little boy will be alright.

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