Friday, February 9, 2007

Double rant

I saw in the Dallas Morning News today that a sicko in Pittsburgh, who was angry at his almost 2 yr old daughter, hit her hard enough to knock her unconscious and left her to die outside in single digit temperatures. She was found at an abandoned playground about a 10 min walk from her home. He is charged with criminal homicide, kidnapping, false reports and simple assault. Simple assault Gracie? What pray tell is simple about ANY assault, let alone an assault against an innocent and helpless toddler. His story is that she got up before him and he could not get her to go back to sleep. So he hit her so hard that she hit her head and was knocked unconscious. Then this Daddy of the year wrapped her in a blanket and left her still breathing beside railroad tracks near a bridge. She was wearing a sweater and a diaper. The police found her footprints in the snow, so she got up and wandered around. Authorities could only guess as to how long this poor baby survived in temperatures that hovered around 2 degrees. It took two days to find her body. And if that isn't bad enough, this (I'll be nice and say jerk) was in custody for another charge of sexually abusing another child shortly before this baby died. My take on all of this is that this asshole (sorry, I can't call him anything else) confessed to hitting and abandoning this poor child in single digit temperatures. He is guilty and should be sent to prison in general population and let all the cons know what he did. It won't be long before the taxpayers will no longer be supporting this sick child abuser.

I am also ticked over all the hoopla over Anna Nichole Smith's death. She was a "star" ala by a sleazy one. But that not withstanding, why is her autopsy being moved ahead of others who died before she did? I hate that celebrities get different treatment then us "common" folk when it comes to criminal matters. Whenever celebrities get into trouble all they get is slaps on the wrist and lots of media attention. However if you or I were to do the same thing we would get thrown in jail, have to wait for a trial date to be set and do whatever time is given to us. Celebrities seem to get off with a fine and community service. Something is wrong with this whole system. What is good for one should be good for all.

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