Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Clepto Kid

We have been having a problem lately with Sandy. She has been getting up in the middle of the night and eating any candy that we may have in the refrigerator. We had caught her stealing some Tootsie Rolls, we found the wrappers in her bedroom. We have a rule about no food in the bedrooms. She was caught red handed and had no reason why she did this. Then she got some candy from her prayer partner and I had told her that she was to ask before she ate any of it. And again she got into the candy when she was not suppose to. And now Mike and I have some chocolate chips in the refrigerator and she has been eating those also. We haven't confronted her about this yet mostly because I am not sure what her punishment will be. And if that isn't bad enough she got an Ipod for Christmas from a friend at church. I had my reservations about her having it but we told her that the charger had to stay in the living room and if her grades dropped the Ipod would be taken away, with the ability to get it back when her grades came up and if her attitude stayed good. She had it taken from her a few weeks ago due to bad grades and getting caught with candy in her room. Today I checked on the Ipod and found it gone. The charger was still there but the Ipod itself and the ear buds are missing. The only thing that could have happened to it is she has taken into her room or to school with her. We were going to confront her about it, but now we are going to wait for her to trip herself up. That Ipod won't keep a charge for very long and I have taken the charger and put it in our room. At some point she will ask where the charger is and that is when we will nail her. At that point we will either make her give it back to the friend who gave it to her with the explanation as to why she is returning it or we will give it to her sisters. It really makes me angry that we have to lock our TV, Mike has to lock his computer (which is in the living room) and any candy I don't want her to have has to be hidden in our room. It also makes us angry that she thought that we would not notice that the Ipod was missing. She keeps breaking all the rules. She has no respect for either Mike or I and our belongings. There is no reason for her to be raiding the refrigerator. She gets to eat all she wants at dinner. Mike thinks the only reason she is eating candy when she is not allowed to is because she is not allowed to. That is a blatant sign of disrespect and we are not sure what we are going to do about it.

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