Saturday, January 27, 2007

Yesterday on the news

I saw something on the local news that has been bothering me. Moms have been setting up play dates for their kids for years. But now there is a new element to these play dates. Mommy dearest is drinking wine. Now I am in no way a tea totaler, however when I did my drinking my kids were in bed or were not with me at the time. There were shots of two year olds watching mommy drink out of a wine glass. Yeah, that's right, encourage your kids to become alcoholics at an early age. One lady was talking to the camera, saying how the wine relaxes her. She was holding her, what I would guess to be a six month old infant. And at one point this baby reaches for mommy's glass of wine. What is wrong with this picture? And who is doing the driving after these play dates? Is there a designated driver at these things? Somehow I think not. And what if one of these kids takes a drink out of mommy's glass? Would mommy be charged with child abuse? Would the kid be taken by CPS? Knowing how our society punishes child abusers and murders, if there was any punishment it would be a slap on the wrist and the kid would be returned to his loving and caring mother. It bothers me that our society puts such a low value on our future.

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