Thursday, January 4, 2007

Wishful thinking

We got the bad news this afternoon. Sandy, after working her tail off to try to bring her grade up, failed the class anyway. Her contact teacher, who happens to be her Algebra teacher and helped her get her work done, is going to talk to her JROTC teacher and see if she can attend Saturday's meet. But as it stands now she will be unable to go to the meets for the next three weeks. If she keeps her grades up then she can attend. No pass no play policy. It's too bad they don't take effort into account. But we shall see what happens. Sandy did tell us that her JROTC teacher is lining up a tutor for her for her Biology and World History classes. We have also told her that if she starts having problems to go to the teacher first and if she isn't getting any satisfaction (I can't get no sat-is-faction, sorry Stones moment there) then to go to her Algebra teacher. Very nice lady.

Mike & I went to a food bank to stock up on some groceries and while we were there a small child about three or four was screaming at the top of her lungs while Mom wandered around stocking her cart. She had a bag of potato chips in her hands and was just sitting in front of the cooler of produce screaming. Then two other times she started screaming. She was tired and wanted Mom to hold her, but Mom had an infant in the cart and a boy of about four or five with her also. Now these two were fine, it was just the little girl who had a problem. Now I am all for ignoring screaming fits, but this was excessive. I'm not sure what the answer to this problem was seeing as this food bank sets up certain times for people to be there and I don't know if she could have left and come back another day or if she would have had to wait until the following week. But this screaming fit was getting on everyone's nerves. Makes me glad that I am no longer in retail.

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