Thursday, April 5, 2007

How stupid can you get?

There was a story in tonights (4/4/07) news about a woman who came home to find her apartment being burglarized. She watched until they left and then followed them. At some point they realized that they were being followed and started shooting at her. She was very lucky, she walked away with only a flesh wound to her lower arm. What really upsets me is that this idiot woman had her three kids in the van with her. They were unharmed, but can you imagine the terror these poor kids felt as bullets were hitting the car that they were riding in? This poor excuse for a woman admits that she shouldn't have done this absolutely stupid stunt. My take on this is that she should be charged with reckless endangerment of her kids and CPS should be brought in and those kids taken from her. At least until she proves that she is putting the kid's welfare above her own.

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