Sunday, March 18, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Today we were kidless so decided that we would sleep in a bit and just go to church. I was surprised at how few people showed up. I tried to call Tara & Elisa today but nobody was home. I tried calling yesterday but the first time I got a busy signal and the second time I got no answer. This is typical. I keep a phone record of when I call and when he calls. More often then not I am the one who makes the calls. Which is in contempt of the Missouri court order. He is suppose to let my girls call me every other week. I find myself lucky if they call me once a month. I checked the log yesterday and discovered (not to my surprise) that it had been a month since I had called and talked to them. I don't know if I can do anything about this right now seeing as the Missouri courts threw out my petition for a GAL. I think any other legal work that needs to be done will need to be done with a lawyer and that will require us to wait until we have more free money available. It really makes me angry that he gets away with so much crap.

Mike and I have started walking again. We only walk around the block but ya gotta start somewhere. I feel good about starting again. Another exciting day in the Bacon household.

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