Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy & Sad

Today we had a health fair at church. It was very good. There were several booths with various health topics. They had some senior citizens come in and play ukuleles and sing. At one point a gentleman's dentures came flying out. He made a good save and went on with the song. Too bad I didn't have a camcorder and could have sent it to American's Funniest Videos. There was a labyrinth that was very relaxing and enlightening. Basically it was a huge sheet that had a winding path painted on it that you followed to get into the middle. There was a basket with pieces of paper that had little scripture saying in it. You could journal if you felt the need. They served healthy lunch which for the most part wasn't too bad. Sandy has next week off for spring break. Our friend Mary offered to take Sandy for a few day to give everybody a break from each other. Mary use to teach ADHD kids so knows how to deal with Sandy's temper tantrums. However she did confide in me that their elderly Shetland Sheepdog Nikki is dieing. Neither one of us took that news too well. I don't know at this point if Sandy knows or if Mary will have to put Nikki to sleep. She is an old dog and lived a good long life. She is a sweetheart and just loved going out into the back yard and playing with Sandy. She will be missed. It brought up memories of when I had to put my dog Max down. He was as old as Nikki is now, but sometimes I wonder if I had done enough to save him. My parents went back east to settle my grandfather's accounts after he died a year before. I was going to my fiancé's grandmother's birthday party. We put Max into a kennel and they did not follow our directions on how to take care of him. I got him home and he had lost a lot of weight. I went back to work the next day and found that he had made about four messes (most of them in my parents room), justice if I ever saw it. I had asked that he be put down knowing that he would not survive being in a kennel, but my father couldn't do it. One of the few times that my so called mother didn't over rule him. So I took him to the vet and she gave him some fluids and he seemed to perk up, but she couldn't tell me if that would have been enough to keep him from making more messes and my mother was very clear that when the dog started messing her carpet up that she would put Max down. So I figured it would be easier to do it then rather then hear my bitchy mother complain about all the messes. I wouldn't have put it past her to take it out on the poor dog. But sometimes I wonder if I gave up on him too soon.

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